Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Language Community SharedLingo



Let's talk about the community. The Community is pretty nice, however they are really shy when it comes to voice chat, about 13 was the biggest numbers of users in voice chat that saw at the moment, whole community. 

Chatting Rooms: However it has general chat room which more active users about 75 as minimum. Voice chat: Well the quality isn't the best for connecting but once it does, it doesn't crash (maybe because it doesn't have a camera.)

Design: I give extra points for design because it's clean and easy. 

Games: No much to offer only 4 languages available and one game option. (>o> what?) 
There aren't many native users in Korean or Japanese rooms however it might be because it isn't weekend yet.

I found out that no many of my friends know about it, and most of them aren't willing to try because they found someone to practice with so yes the community is pretty short, I think it will grow :) because the site is easy to use, I think you can have on your phone, I haven't tried tho. 

I hope you join the site and help it to become a better place :3 and of course let's learn together. 

This is my personal opinion as a user I haven't been paid in anyway.

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