Saturday, June 4, 2016

Learning like a human

While reading an essay about the brain, and how people think of our brain as a computer I came up with this post. The title of  the essay is "The empty brain", It explains how humans are different from machines, and how our memories don't storage things or are programmed to do so. As we grow our abilities improve and language is something we are not born with, babies will learn the language they are exposed to.

So then I though that our brains are simple and at the same time complicated, the way we acquire knowledge is simple even though remembering is another matter. Memory doesn't storage information like computers, remembering things "we have feelings for" is human nature, like to be away from fire because we are afraid of getting burn. In the other hand computer can "learn" or recall things we program them to, however this is not something they can do by themselves.

Of course this is  just my opinion about learning with feelings involved, but when you think about how children develop awareness about their surrounding, social life and how they  face different situations in life, is basically "feelings + curiosity" what helps them to learn more about the world. I have heard people say that they can't learn things because they have grown old, but this is also false, meeting many polyglots that started learning their second or third language at their later thirties, and then being able to speak 7 or 9 by their late forties. So I wonder how this could happen?

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