Saturday, May 16, 2015

Learning Behavior

              Have you ever experienced awkward  moments when you meet  someone for the first time but you don't know their language and they don't speak yours. How sad and scary this could be?
When learning a new language and practicing it with a native speaker for the first time you will feel like your world is ending and you will rather run from that situation before making a mistake or saying something stupid.

            This is how our brain works; our brain is lazy. It's a coward and it doesn't like changes. Now that we have grew we're no longer really open to new things. We don't usually train our brains to improve our memory, ability, or to adapt to challenges. Is not that we are old, NO even if is true, is not our body or age, but mentality.

             In order to learn, we most learn how to learn, and focus, but more important change our laziness to an active learner. It is a hard work not one said is easy, is simple but not easy, is a daily work, that's why children are really good at this because they have all they time they want.

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