Monday, October 10, 2016

Language Learning Difficulties 1

One of the biggest challenges when learning a new language it's actually doing it, giving yourself the time to start studying and finding the most efficient  ways to do it. There are many factors that might set us apart from this journey. I will like to address some these difficulties. For self learners people, learning a new language (or several at a time) face.

1. "Language block": You can't think of anything in the second language after studying for long periods for time when talking to someone else, maybe because you're nervous, or try to do it "right".

2. "WENT BLANK": You don't know anything in any language anymore, even if you listen to some one speaking it slowly, or they write it down.

3. "I forgot how to say it in my native language": You start forgetting words in your native language, but can recall it in the second language.

4. "It's to difficult to understand no many how much I study": You can't focus on the learning process.

5. "Not enough time": You don't have enough time to improve yourself, you find it hard to make some time during the day; normally studying really late at night or forgetting to review or practice your second language.

6. "MEMORY": You have problems remembering anything, perhaps you aren't using an effective method or find yourself forgetting things you already knew.

7. "Bla bla bla? I don't know what happens to my tongue". Your tongue doesn't cooperate with you sometimes, and you end up saying stupid things, or mispronouncing things. (Or even using a word L3  when you are using the L2)

8. "NOT FUN anymore". You don't find learning this particular language fun anymore, perhaps the reason why you started wasn't clear.

9. "Lack of practice" You find it hard to find someone to practice with, or like the number 5 just not enough time to do so.

10. "I just know many words " You know more than 1,000 words in the new language, however when it comes to make a sentence I feel like a baby. Or you don't even know where to start.

These are some of the most common difficulties, later I'll bring more and add some advice to overcome these problems, a few of them might be a normal brain function or perhaps you aren't using the right method to study.

To be continued...

If you think I left one out please add it on the comments below.

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